
April ’23 Updates: New Endpoints and Performance and Usability Improvements

Search airports by IP geolocation and Search airports by location endpoints now have query-string style counter-parts. If you’re on the most recent pricing plans, we recommend: using /airports/search/location?lat={lat}&lon={lon}&radiusKm={radiusKm}&limit={limit} instead of /airports/search/location/{lat}/{lon}/km/{radiusKm}/{limit} (documentation) using /airports/search/ip?q={ip}&radiusKm={radiusKm}&limit={limit} instead of /airports/search/ip/{ip}/km/{radiusKm}/{limit} (documentation) New endpoint added: Solar and day time at the airportGET /airports/{codeType}/{code}/time/solar/*It produces certain solar and daytime calculations […]

April ’23 Updates: New Endpoints and Performance and Usability Improvements Read More »

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