API Pricing


Access AeroDataBox API for a price of a cup of coffee!
Sign up through the supported API marketplace of your choice, each offering various pricing models to suit your specific needs.

Use tabs to view the pricing details per each marketplace.

RAPID API – Pricing

Most tried & tested marketplace
Monthly subscriptions, quotas per tiers, cancel anytime
FREE plan available*
Cheapest plan is just $0.99 USD per month

Price, monthlyFREE *
$0,99 USD
$ 5 USD$ 30 USD$ 150 USD
Tier 1, max calls per month300
Overages: $ 0.00025 per call
Tier 2, max calls per month150
Overages: $ 0.0005 per call
Tier 3, max calls per month50
Overages: $ 0.0015 per call
Tier 4, max calls per month5
Free tier, max calls per month1,00050,000250,000500,000
Rate Limiting1000 calls per hour
30 calls per minute
30 calls per minute60 calls per minute120 calls per minute
Airline Fleet Page Size
Maximum permitted number of records returned by a single “Airline fleet” API call
Aircraft Includes
Allow including registrations history and/or aircraft image as a part of a single “Get aircraft” or “Airline fleet” endpoint call
Historical Airport DelaysYesNoYesYes
Flight Data Availability Limit
Subject to Data Coverage, flight data and all derived data (statistics, delays, etc.) may be available for up to specified amount of days in the future and in the past, but not guaranteed
± 365 days± 180 days± 210 days± 365 days
Flight History & Schedule Range
Maximum range of dates allowed by a single “Flight History & Schedule” API call
7 days7 days14 days30 days

* Temporary promo

API.MARKET – Pricing

FREE plan available*
Widest selection of pricing plans
Monthly subscriptions, quotas per API units, cancel anytime

Price, monthlyFREE *
$0,99 USD
$ 5 USD$ 15 USD$ 30 USD$ 90 USD$ 150 USD
Total API units included600 *
Cost of a single Tier 1 API Call, units111111
Cost of a single Tier 2 API Call, units222222
Cost of a single Tier 3 API Call, units666666
Cost of a single Tier 4 API Call, units6060160300480600
Cost of a single Free Tier Call, units000000
Rate Limiting1 call per second1 call per second1 call per second2 calls per second2 calls per second3 calls per second
$0.00025 USD per UNIT
Features & LimitationsSame as RapidAPI BASICSame as RapidAPI PROSame as PROSame as RapidAPI ULTRASame as RapidAPI ULTRASame as RapidAPI MEGA
* Temporary promo
SULU HUB – Pricing

Pay-per-use, no subscriptions, cancel anytime
Option to pay in crypto

TierCost per call
Tier 1$ 0.00167 USD
Tier 2$ 0.0033 USD
Tier 3$ 0.01 USD
Tier 4$ 0.1 USD
Free Tier$ 0 USD
Rate Limiting1 call per second
Features & LimitationsSame as for RapidAPI PRO
(Historical Airport Delays is available)
Direct Subscription

Is it possible to subscribe to AeroDataBox directly, without marketplaces or intermediaries?

Coming soon!

Unfortunately, AeroDataBox API is provided exclusively through listed API marketplaces at the moment.

However, we have plans to start providing direct access to our API, hopefully soon. Under certain conditions we may, however, provide direct access to our API earlier than that, subject to an extra fee and custom service agreement. Contact us for details.


Do you have free trials?

We temporarily reinstated our free trial plans as a part of our promotion! Choose API.Market or RapidAPI to subscribe before it’s gone!

In the past, we used to provide free access to our Basic plan, which is an excellent plan for trying the API. Unfortunately, this option was often abused by customers creating multiple accounts and continuing using our API this way for extended periods of time. Effective July 2023 we discontinued completely free access to AeroDataBox API and put a symbolic fee for the lowest of our plans.

I don’t want to commit to monthly subscriptions. Do you have pay-per-use plans?

Yes, we do. You can subscribe to our API through Sulu Hub and pay as you go. No more charges for “forgotten” subscriptions!

Do you provide free or discounted access for students or academic research?

Yes, we do. Learn more on this page.

What are Tier 1, Tier 2, etc.?

Each API endpoint is backed by different degree of technical complexity. Depending on it, we nominate endpoints as more or less expensive, by assigning them a certain category – a Tier. The higher the Tier number, the more expensive the endpoint. You can find which endpoints belong to which Tier in our documentation. Note, that this is not the same as an endpoint group (Flight API, Aircraft API, etc.). Each group may contain endpoints from various Tiers. Tiers are unified across all marketplaces. Even though specific pricing may differ from marketplace to marketplace, the cost relation between tiers remain universal.

Why charging at all?

Even a relatively small enthusiast-driven project, like AeroDataBox, processes gigabytes of data in a very complex manner daily. It requires constant attention from highly qualified professionals involved with the project, as well as it needs regular payments for the server infrastructure. In a modest attempt to compensate for these expenses, our API is made public at a very low cost.

Can I subscribe to AeroDataBox directly, without marketplaces or intermediaries?

Unfortunately AeroDataBox API is provided exclusively through listed API marketplaces at the moment. However, we have plans to start providing direct access to our API, hopefully in 2025. Under certain conditions we may, however, provide direct access to our API earlier than that, subject to an extra fee. Contact us for details.

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