August ’23 Updates

We followed up on requests that we got from our customers and happy to announce a new batch of updates.

New: Airline Fleet Endpoint

It is now possible to get a list of aircraft per airline. No need for extra words, just check out our documentation 🙂

This endpoint is paged and belongs to Tier 3. Depending on your RapidAPI pricing plan, the maximum number of aircraft per one call (page) ranges from 10 to 50.

Updated: Airport Routes and Destinations with Airline Codes

A tiny one, yet asked for more than once. Our Airport routes and daily flight destinations endpoint now includes airline codes as a part of the response payload. Before this change, only the name of the airline was available, which made unambiguous identification of a route operator a problem.

Updated: Pricing

As you might have noticed, we’ve recently implemented some updates to our pricing structure. While occasional adjustments to quotas and prices are routine, there’s one significant change: the Basic pricing plan, originally offered for the purpose of trying the API, is no longer offered for free. Instead, we’ve introduced a nominal micro fee of 0.99 USD (with a slight increase in quota). We understand that this change might not be received positively by everyone, but it is a step to address instances of API abuse.

Unfortunately, some users created multiple Basic accounts, and, thus, artificially inflating their quota and using the API without cost for extended periods of time. This adjustment has been introduced to counter such misuse and to ensure equitable access to our services.

As always, pricing changes won’t affect existing customers. If you’re on a current plan, you’ll be charged according to its rules, even if new subscribers can’t access the same plan. So, if you’re using the free Basic plan now, it stays free for you until you decide to switch or unsubscribe.

Upcoming: Historical and Future Flight Data Availability for up to ±1 year

Currently, you can retrieve historical or future flights in FIDS and flights endpoints up to 273 days in the past or future, respectively. We’re planning to extend this period to 365 days in the near future. Keep an eye out for updates!

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